What is Vertigo and How Can it Be Treated?

Vertigo is more of a symptom than a condition. It’s the unpleasant sensation of having a swimmy head. A person might feel dizzy and nauseated, and experience a loss of balance. It can feel like they’re moving around uncontrollably or the environment itself is spinning around them.

What Causes Vertigo?
A person’s sense of balance comes from the inner ear. Therefore, vertigo can be caused by problems related to the inner ear, but also some other brain-related impairments produce the sensation of vertigo. Here are some of the known causes of vertigo.

• benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) – this happens when moving the head in certain patterns causes the vertigo. It’s one of the most common forms of vertigo. It can be caused by a recent blow to the head or simply the body’s disorientation from certain movements.
• vestibular neuronitis – this is a form of inflammation that affects the vestibular nerve. This nerve sends signals through the inner ear to the brain that help to control a person’s sense of balance. It comes on swiftly due to a virus and causes vertigo.
• inner ear infections – infections like labyrinthitis can cause vertigo. The inner ear labyrinth is a delicate structure that contains the cochlea and the vestibular system. This area can become inflamed and cause a person to feel vertigo.
• Severe migraines can bring on the symptoms of vertigo. The most common symptom of a migraine is a sharp and painful headache. However, a person might also experience what’s called an “aura”. It’s a warning sign of an impending migraine, and this aura can cause vertigo.

Vertigo can seemingly come out of nowhere, bringing on its sensations in a matter of seconds. Cases of severe vertigo can last even for days at a time. Sometimes, a person might experience other symptoms from conditions associated with vertigo such as ringing in the ear, tinnitus, and hearing loss. People with Ménière’s disease might have several episodes of vertigo over a long period of time.

Ménière’s disease
According to the Meniere’s Society, between one and two out of every two thousand people in the world suffer from Ménière’s disease. It’s a long term, progressive condition affecting the inner ear mechanisms. People who suffer with this disease often experience bouts of vertigo that can last a full day at time.

How Is Vertigo Treated? Can it Be Cured?
Treatments for vertigo typically deal with overcoming the symptoms of this ailment and might not necessarily treat the underlying causes. For the most part, doctors rely on the body’s natural ability to correct inner ear imbalances over time.

Vestibular rehabilitation
Epley, Semont, Cawthorne Cooksey Exercises and other movement exercises can be used to speed up the body’s natural recovery from vertigo. This form of treatment is usually conducted by physiotherapists, but a general practitioner might be able to use vestibular rehabilitation to access the severity of a person’s vertigo.

Medication for Vertigo
An ear, nose and throat specialist or physiotherapist might prescribe certain vestibular medications to help a person overcome vertigo. They might prescribe Stemetil or Stugeron to be used on a short-term basis. These are sedatives that calm the response of the inner ear to any imbalances. Therefore, it’s a temporary relief from the nausea and disorientation brought on by vertigo.

Is Surgery a Treatment Option for Vertigo?
In the most extreme cases of vertigo, surgery might be necessary. Sometimes, other treatment options aren’t effective, and the effects of vertigo can be severe and long-lasting. There are two types of surgery that are typically used to disrupt extreme vertigo. The first treatment is a surgical procedure that severs the nerve connection between the inner ear and the brain. The other surgical treatment removes or destroys the inner ear mechanism itself. These surgeries result in hearing loss and should only be considered if no other treatment option has proven effective.

Can You Treat Vertigo by Yourself?
Vertigo can be a frustrating condition, because symptoms can come on suddenly and you might not have access to care immediately. The symptoms improve on their own, over time. If your vertigo is mild and infrequent, a healthcare professional might advise you to drink plenty of fluids, reduce your caffeine, alcohol and salt intake, and get some rest.

This could leave you feeling irritated and upset as you scour the internet for any home remedies for vertigo. Here are a few ways that you can alleviate the sensations of vertigo, or at least bring more comfort to your condition while your body recovers.

You can place an ice pack on the back of your head and neck to slow down your nervous system’s response to the inner ear imbalance. Try to use the ice pack in 15 to 20 minute sessions and allow for an equal amount of time in between.

Vertigo is aggravated by movement. So, if the vertigo cause is related to your inner ear, then you should try to keep your head as steady as possible. Try reclining in a bed at a 120-degree angle against the wall or headboard. Take deep, measured breaths and drink plenty of water. One of the most common causes of vertigo is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This type of vertigo is especially aggravated by lying down or rolling your head from side to side. So, be sure to stay elevated and avoid moving around too much.

If you’re suffering from nausea, then you can drink a hot tea infused with ginger or peppermint. These types of teas have been found to reduce nausea in a scientific study conducted by researchers in Spain. The results of their study were published in the Integrative Medical Insights journal 2016; 11: 11-17. You can also eat some saltine crackers, bananas, or applesauce. These foods don’t necessarily combat vertigo, but they are light on your stomach and replace nutrients that you might have lost due to diarrhea or vomiting.

The Takeaway
It’s important to visit your healthcare practitioner if you’re suffering from vertigo. There are many different causes for vertigo and your doctor can run a series of tests to determine which ailment is causing your symptoms. Vertigo can be uncomfortable and lead to depression and anxiety if you don’t know the exact cause. That’s why it’s important to see a healthcare professional. Home remedies can help to alleviate discomfort, but there is no known home remedy that can completely get rid of vertigo.