The 10 Best Home Cleaning Tips

Nobody likes a dirty home, especially the people that live in it. Even so, it is easy to overlook a few things as you move about the house to make it clean. You may not notice the kitty litter smell, but your guests do and are ignoring your invitations. The following are the best home cleaning tips for today’s busy homeowners.

1. Clean the kitchen sink
You clean your entire house really well, but are you giving the kitchen sink the attention it deserves? Likely not. Housekeeping reports suggest that the kitchen sink is dirtier than your toilet. Residual build up is often present and may not be visibly apparent. Get in the habit of cleaning out the kitchen sink after each use.

2. Take care of the disposal
The kitchen sink has its own secrets, but so does the garbage disposal. Likely, you have detected a smell previously, but thought little of it later. You can disinfect a disposal by cutting up a lemon and dropping it in the disposal with ice and salt. Let it sit for five minutes before turning on the disposal. Soon, you’ll have the cleanest garbage disposal on the block.

3. Don’t forget the sponge
If you use sponges to clean a mess, you are in good company. However, a sponge is a breeding ground for all types of bacteria. On a daily basis, you should put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds to destroy germs. Replacing it often can be helpful as well.

4. Clean on the run
One way to keep your kitchen in good order is to simply clean as you go. If you make a mess, clean up immediately. Rinse off dishes and place these in the dishwasher. Pots and pans can soak in hot, soapy water in your sink. If you spill something, attack the problem immediately to avoid stains and to keep bugs at bay.

5. Attack the shower doors
If you have shower doors, you can get these clean fast by rubbing lemon oil on the glass doors every other week. Some people prefer to use a glass repellant to cause water to bead up instead of sticking to glass.

6. Clean the shower liner
For homes with curtains and liners, the latter will quickly become moldy, smelly and look disgusting. Take it down and toss it into the washing machine. Add in a few towels and everything will come out clean. Send the towels to the dryer while allowing the liner to air dry on the shower rod.

7. Broom it away
You should use different types of broom for varying activities. Outside, you can use a hard-bristle corn broom, but inside you should use a soft-tip brush broom to sweep floors. The tougher bristles may scratch floors.

8. Use cold water
For your dishwasher, hot water is best for cleaning dishes. When it comes to cleaning clothes, choose cold water and use a detergent specially made for cold water use. The cold water will keep your utility bills down and save you money.

9. Vacuum with deliberation
Vacuum your home twice per week. Cover the common areas only during the middle of the week. On weekends, complete your heavy-duty vacuuming. Overlap your vacuuming for thorough coverage. Move furniture around as needed. If you find yourself constantly moving heavy furniture, consider thinning out your furnishings.

10. Use tape
Pet hair, fine specks of dirt, and dust can be difficult to pick up. You can help your cause by pulling out a strand of transparent tape, wrapping the sticky side facing out around your hand and wiping up the hairs. Tape removes what a vacuum cleaner or the observant eye misses.

Keep it Clean
Few people relish cleaning the house. By carefully following these tips, you can turn the drudgery into a pleasant experience or at least help you save time and avoid aggravation.